Full Fibre to the House or Premises

Some of you may recall a member’s effort to get a community plan for “fibre optic to the premises” together but because trust funds were involved and many houses using the same telephone nodes as us but outside WURA purview, it was not felt possible for WURA to get involved. 

However a member has just mentioned the continuing difficulty of working from home with the often poor broadband service here and got the response below from Openreach. This suggests that if enough people register an interest surperfast broadband might get here sooner 2025 which is the earliest possible date at the moment.

Hi CR8 residents

I wanted to let you know that we’ve successfully received your request to be kept up to date on information about Ultrafast Full Fibre broadband.

At the moment, Uplands Road,Kenley isn’t planned to have Ultrafast Full Fibre built in the next year. I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear. Building our new Ultrafast Full Fibre broadband to the whole of the U.K. is a massive engineering project that takes years to complete, but rest assured we’re working as fast as we can. Currently we’re passing a home or business every 14 seconds.

We’re always adding new areas into our build plan, and now that you’ve given us your details, I’ll let you know when things change. 

In the meantime, you could consider:
Help get more people interested in your area: The more people in a community or area that register their interest on our website – just like you – the more likely it is we’ll come to your area – help spread the word and get more people to register at openreach.com/ultrafast

We also have lots of information on our website about how we’re building Ultrafast Full Fibre at https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband/fibre-first and https://www.openreach.com/help-and-support/questions-about-fibre-availability


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