An Update on the Flood Works

With thanks to Councillor Gayle Gander, who shared the timetable for the works as follows:

  • 9th January 2023: The drainage aspect of the scheme commenced
  • 9th-27th January: The first 3 weeks was spent setting up the site, marking out, undertaking trial pits and cleaning/jetting existing soakaways/pipes
  • 27th-13th Feb: The proposed new gully pots and an inspection chamber are being installed
  • 13th-28th Feb: The installation of the proposed soakaway crates. All drainage works are anticipated to be completed after which the public realm measures will commence
  • By end of March 2023: All the works are programmed to be completed.

The contractors are confident of completing the works to that timescale, subject to no unforeseen circumstances.

Additional traffic calming measures in the form of chicanes will be implemented along Church Road by Monday 20th Feb for the remainder of the works. Further 20mph signs will also be added to add more weight to the chicane traffic calming measures. I know that the works have been frustrating and worrying for many people. The flood remediate works needed to be done as this junction has been problematic for years, and the public realm works on making the junction with Valley easier for pedestrians, and much prettier will be welcomed.

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