This site is maintained for the benefit of the residents of the unadopted and privately maintained roads called Welcomes Road and Uplands Road, and their spur roads, located in Kenley, Surrey. The WURA committee manage the maintenance of these roads on behalf of the 225 households (August 2019) fronting these roads.
The number of households includes those fronting Council adopted spur roads which depend on Welcomes Road or Uplands Road for access.
Welcomes and Uplands Road are privately maintained public highways with a designated footpath running along Welcomes Road. Parking on our roads for more than a few minutes, to make deliveries for example, is an offence and visitors should park on drives where possible.

The roads must not be obstructed in terms of the Highways Act and this includes members’ frontages/verges. Welcomes Road is a designated footpath (No 157) as well as a public highway, and as such is shared by horse riders, cyclists, walkers with dogs and children as well as the usual vehicular traffic. Drivers are expected to drive with extra care and consideration for all these other road users.
Are you a developer or resident looking to extend their house or doing landscape work?
Please ensure you have read ALL the information available on the Planning and Development page.
Quick Links
Contact WURA (email)
Information for residents, including useful contact details
Developers binding agreement with WURA
HGV Tariff
Road levy tariff for members and buyers moving in to the road
Budget Sheets (on WURA Archives page)
2023_2024 Balance Sheet
2023_2024 Revenue Sheet
AGM Minutes (on WURA Archives page)
Planning application archive
Road Levy
In order to maintain the roads and to keep them in a reasonable state of repair, an annual road levy is charged to frontagers. The obligation to pay a road levy in most cases is covenanted in the deeds to the relative frontaging property. Where the obligation is not specifically in the deeds ‘the doctrine of benefit and burden’ was established in the Law Courts during 1957 and reaffirmed in the Court of Appeal in 2013 and supports unequivocably an obligation to pay for the use of the roads concerned. People living in the spur roads generate traffic over WURA maintained roads and if those roads were not maintained sufficiently, their properties would be unreachable by the emergency services, refuse collection lorries or other delivery traffic. In fairness to the majority who pay for the upkeep of the roads, people living on the spur roads also need to pay their way.
Current levy rates are available on the Current Levies page.
Buying and Selling in the WURA area
Solicitors seeking information on the roads and rights of access need to contact the Secretary. There is an administration fee charged for responding to enquiries about the road, scaled to the amount of time and research required to answer the solicitor’s questions. As an indicative cost, the fee will be £80 for up to the first hour and pro-rata thereafter, so therefore depends on the nature and number of questions.
Keeping in Touch – current policy is to be paperless as soon as practicable
If you are reading this and live in any of the roads described please email your house number, phone number and email address to the WURA email . You will be added to the Association’s database and kept up to date on developments that might affect you. This includes information on road closures, road works and any other incidents members need to know about.
GDPR: Members specific consent to adding their name to our database and communicating with you by email or in paper form is required when you give your contact details. Your contact information will only be used for the purpose of running the Road Association. Members have a right to ask what information the Association holds on them.
Data we hold on residents are never shared outside the Association in terms of GDPR – Data Protection. Our policy document can be viewed here (PDF file).