Welcomes Road will be shut for 3 weeks (15 working days) between 8am and 4pm each day from 4th January 2022 for road works necessitated by the need to lay a new LV cable from Kenley Lane to the development at 10 Welcomes Road.
The excavation work, which is being done by the developers/builders themselves, will entail laying short stretches of conduit each day and then backfilling the resulting trench before 16:00hrs each evening. The road will then be open for vehicular traffic overnight until 08:00hrs in the morning when work will begin again until 16:00hrs. Pedestrians will be able to pass the road works at any time of day or night.
The developers, who are managing the civil works required to install the cable conduit, will arrange for appropriate traffic diversion signage to be put in place but there will be a route for pedestrians to pass the road works.
Vehicular access to houses south of No 10 will be achieved by using Park Road or Hayes Lane to access Abbots Lane and entering Uplands Road from there.
Every effort will be made to complete the civil works as quickly as possible and in less than 3 weeks. It is not clear when exactly UKPN will pull the power cable through the conduit but we hope within the 3 week period.
UKPN have advised that there may also be the need for a power outage at a limited number of properties:
“With this kind of HV shutdown, we would be looking at around half a day with the power out for the customers that are fed from this substation, the field engineer would have to do a pre inspection of the network for the shutdown and then have to get the network back in line when it is switched back on. Unfortunately there is no other way of identifying the cable we need to connect to without excavating all the way back to the substation itself, and this is not a viable option. All residents that will be affected are usually notified by letter drop.”