Road Resurfacing – September 2022


Road resurfacing programme September 2022 (Subject to weather conditions)

Please note that starting on Tuesday 20th September 2022 London Surfacing Company Ltd will be carrying out works as follows:

  1. Mobilise equipment:

Plant and machinery will be parked on Uplands Road on the same side as the pillar box in a designated zone as happened last year. This area is being shared with construction site vehicles from 35 Uplands Road. The zone for London Surfacing use has already been marked off in yellow paint. Advance notices of the work are being affixed to various poles around the area.

2. Preparation work: 

a) Cut tie ins to drives using planer and sweeper.

b) Lift all iron work

c) Pre sweep prior to laying new tarmac

d) Spray tack coat prior to laying 40mm thickness of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA)

e) Repainting speed ramps at the end of the work

3. Areas to be overlayed with SMA and the likely sequence after prep work done;

a) SMA will be laid in an uphill direction starting at 33 Welcomes Road up to and including the speed ramp near 41/42 Welcomes Road. Area 411m2 linear about 100m.

b) SMA will be laid from 58 WR inc speed ramp to Zig Zag Road. Area about 710m2 or 150m

c) SMA overlay will continue on up to Uplands Road from Zig Zag Road thus creating a continuous stretch of 40mm overlay from Hayes Lane to 58 Welcomes Road.

d) We have a quote for about £26,000 to overlay the road from 10 Welcomes Road to the end of Welcomes Road but this plan is still under consideration.

Co-operation with work force:The Manager of the works, Chris Stylianou, will liaise with frontagers as the road is resurfaced in front of their houses. Generally work will start at 9am each day and complete about 3pm so there will be a window to get out on foot or move your cars to a neighbour or nearby road. If any resident has a problem please contact the Chairman who will liaise with Chris.

Note for construction sites and other projects being carried out by residents.

Please avoid using HGVs on newly laid tarmac for 48 hours after application and plan to have sufficient building materials on site to allow work to continue whilst London Surfacing are operating in the road.

3. Cost and rationale

a) The work described above will cost about £116,000 with the stretch from Zig Zag Road to 58 Welcomes Road still to be formally priced by London Surfacing. This leaves £45,000 in the Road Fund to support other essential works to be carried in September 2022 including lifting iron work near 3 UR and adjusting levels where Kearton Close meets Uplands Road, resurfacing part of Pine Close and recurrent expenditure

b) The stretch from Uplands Road to Zig Zag Road is costed at the lower price of c 32m2 from a quote in June 2022. Other newer work is costed at £40m2n 

c) The road fund is being eroded by inflation which is now predicted to hit 18%. largely driven by the rapidly rising cost of  oil and gas. This must lead to some uncertainty about the appetite for more house building by developers who so far have supplied much of the funding for the current road resurfacing programme. If the rest of Welcomes Road is to be resurfaced next year it is essential that members continue to support the road resurfacing programme by paying their annual road levy promptly. Currently we are £8,000 behind with payments.

Uplands Road: Affordable solutions for the resurfacing of this road next year are under review. Much hinges on the HGV levies expected from developers in Kearton Close and Welcomes Road where planning permission has already been granted for a number of other developments.

General note; Please do not modify the road surface, drainage or kerbing in front of your property without consulting the Road Committee first.

Projected income from new development sites

Bearing in mind that we (WURA) are paying VAT at 20% on all the road maintenance frontagers (householders) pay for from post tax income in order to maintain what are essentially public highways and that the cost of tarmac seems to have risen 25% in very a short time we intend to ask residents to consider a substantial rise in the road levy at the next AGM. 

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