More roadworks : 29th June – 2nd July

A new drainage connection for the development at 32 Welcomes Road is to be installed from 29th June to 2nd July. You are strongly advised to avoid using the lower part of Welcomes Road/Kenley Lane/Valley Road at all for this period. 

Advance warning notices will be put up by the contractors.

The contractors will manage the refuse collection lorry routing which is due to empty bins on Monday.  

The drainage work had been scheduled for w/b 22nd June as previously advised, but had to be postponed a week for technical reasons.

Every effort will be made to complete the work by Wednesday 1st July  but an extra day has been allowed  for the unexpected.

Thank you for your patience.

Please send in any traffic incidents

Croydon Council require evidence-based data for any traffic infringements or damage to the WURA roads. This isn’t just for the HGVs involved in the construction work, but should cover any obstruction or blockage, except those for the short period required for a delivery.

Construction traffic is required to conform to the Council stated rules which now form part of each site’s logistics plan. Vehicles should enter at the Kenley Station end of Welcomes Road and depart via Hayes Lane by turning right.

Any HGVs travelling in the opposite direction, reversing or maneuvering to turn (except, of course, to access their site) are contravening these rules and should be reported.

Any damage caused to the road surface or kerbside should also be reported.

Please email details to the WURA secretary at To be a useful report, the following information MUST be included:

  • The name of the contractor on the vehicle and its registration number – ideally a photograph showing one or the other.
  • The location of the incident (outside which house number or junction, for example)
  • The date and time of the incident
  • A statement regarding the incident – whether the vehicle was moving, reversing, parked, the direction of travel, etc.
  • If the incident is associated with damage to the road or property frontage, a picture of the damage caused.

Planned Road Works : 23rd June

Work is planned for 3 to 4 days from Tuesday 23rd June 2020 outside 32 Welcomes Road, which is a construction site. The road will be passable but traffic light controlled whilst managing any  HGVs that might be travelling in opposite directions. 

Monday has been left clear for the refuse lorry to operate unimpeded.

AGM 2020

Because of the COVID 19 situation the Committee felt that it would be unwise to hold an AGM this year and noted that Kendra had made a similar decision.

The Committee therefore met on 1st June using Zoom. Click here to view the resulting report on the meeting which was  based on matters arising from the 2019 AGM and updating members on the current situation. The website stats referenced in the minutes can be viewed here

Signed-off accounts are now also included here.

Your comments are welcome and you can email myself or the Chairman with them.

Kind regards and keep safe.

Richard Russell
Secretary WURA

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