Parking Problems

With increasing parking problems in our roads and on the basis of advice from one of our local Councillors members may take the following action:

1.       Using the Lovecleanstreets app on your mobile phone go to Report a parking offence | Croydon Council (Enforcement Officers should respond to this) or

2.       Phone 020 8760 1966 selecting option 3 or

3.       Report  the matter directly to the Met Police Report antisocial behaviour | Metropolitan Police

             Also see Nuisance parking and abandoned vehicles | Metropolitan Police.

URGENT UPDATE – delay to Welcomes Road (lower end) Closure until 7th August

These works (and road closure) have been delayed from 17th July TO 7th August due to contractor’s mechanical issue. However, they hope to carry out preparation work and other miscellaneous jobs in the intervening period

Please see LINK HERE – which provides important information regarding Welcomes Road restrictions/closure – for works to the road from 12 Welcomes Road to Kenley Lane

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