Welcomes Road closure for works : 3rd and 14th May

May 3rd 2022

We are informed that Welcomes Road will be closed all day in front of No 10 Welcomes Road to repair a water leak on Tuesday 3rd May so please do not drive down the road to exit via Kenley Lane/Valley Road. Nor indeed enter that end of Welcomes Road.

We also understand a number of HGV trips will be required to complete clearance of the chalk bed excavated from the back of the building site at 42 Welcomes Road and then there will be cement deliveries.

14th May 2022

The trench in the middle of Welcomes Road to supply power to the new houses at 10 Welcomes Road will be tarmacked over on Saturday 14th May 2022. The road should be passable to foot traffic most of that day.

AGM – 3rd May 2022

All WURA residents are invited to a ‘live’ AGM which will take place at 7.30pm in the Small Hall at the Kenley Memorial Hall on 3rd May 2022.

1. Agenda view here(PDF file)

2. Note on how the Road Committee will run the Association in future in the absence of a full time Secretary view here(PDF file)

3 .Updated Constitution. view here(PDF file)
The key changes relate to: 
a. the addition of a paragraph on dissolving the Association Para 6
b. mandate for the Road Committee to pay for outsourced work Para 4.6
c. revised powers for the Committee to contract road works Para 4.13

4.  Draft Accounts and Budget. These will be posted here on the website on or soon after April 20th 2022.

The Committee look forward to seeing you on 3rd May 2022  at 7.30pm. Please sign in on the registration form provided.

Richard Russell, Secretary

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