The WURA Committee will object to planning applications it believes will have a detrimental effect on the road. This is usually reflected as major concerns with regards safety of road users, particularly pedestrians, and the likelihood of on-street parking as a result of over-development. Unfortunately the Council continue to be completely unsympathetic to our concerns and multi-dwelling planning applications continue to be approved with no recognition of residents’ objections.
23/00084/FUL Rahat, Pine Close : Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 3 dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping and cycle/refuse storage areas. Objection submitted February 2023.
22/03580/FUL 13 Welcomes Road : Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a terrace of 3 two storey dwelling houses with accommodation within the roof with associated landscaping, refuse storage, car and cycle parking. Objection submitted October 2022.
5240/W/22/3296060 APPEAL : 37 Welcomes Road : Demolition of the existing dwelling, erection of a two/three storey building to provide 9 residential units, with associated landscaped areas including parking, cycle and refuse storage . Request to uphold rejection submitted August 2022.
22/02402/FUL land adjacent to 5 Welcomes Road : The erection of a pair of semi-detached houses adjacent to No. 5 Welcomes Road . Objection submitted July 2022.
22/02285/FUL 2 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing bungalow and outbuildings and erection of a three storey building containing 6 x 2 bed flats and 3 x 3 bed terrace houses, with associated parking and landscaping. Objection submitted June 2022.
5240/W/22/3295657 APPEAL : 2 Kearton Close : Proposed flatted development within the rear of no. 2 Kearton Close to comprise of three units including landscaping, cycle and refuse store . Request to uphold rejection submitted July 2022.
L5240/W/21/3287426 APPEAL : 34 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing bungalow and the erection of a 4 storey building comprising of 9 flats with associated parking. Request to reject application submitted April 2022. Appeal withdrawn by applicant.
L5240/W/21/ 3282853 APPEAL : 50 Welcomes Road : The erection of a frontage block of six flats and a pair of semi-detached houses and the demolition of the existing detached bungalow . Request to reject application submitted March 2022. Decision : Allowed.
L5240/W/21/ 3279654 APPEAL based on lack of decision within time limit : 46 Welcomes Road : The erection of a frontage block of six flats and a pair of semi-detached house; and the demolition of the existing detached bungalow. Request to reject application submitted December 2021. Decision : Allowed. Subsequent discharge of conditions still under debate (Jan 2023).
L5240/W/21/ 3279128 APPEAL based on lack of decision within time limit : 54 Welcomes Road : Erection of 8 no. 2 storey semi-detached houses arranged over four buildings with associated landscaping, parking and vehicular access. Request to reject application submitted December 2021. Decision : Dismissed.
L5240/W/21/ 3276882 APPEAL based on lack of decision within time limit : 88 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing bungalow and redevelopment to provide a 3 storey building containing 9 apartments including parking, landscape and amenity areas. Request to reject application submitted December 2021. Decision : Dismissed.
21/04989/OUT 46 Welcomes Road (again) : Demolition of existing detached bungalow and erection of a two storey building (with accommodation in the roof space) to provide 6 flats and a pair of semi-detached houses with car parking, cycle/refuse storage and hard/soft landscaping. Objection lodged December 2021. Decision : in progress but presumably overridden by appeal L5240/W/21/3279654.
21/04059/FUL 37 Welcomes Road (again) : Demolition of the existing dwelling, erection of a two/three storey building to provide 9 residential units, with associated landscaped areas including parking, cycle and refuse storage. Objection lodged August 2021. Decision : Refused.
21/03707/FUL 2 Kearton Close (again): Proposed flatted development within the rear of no. 2 Kearton Close to comprise of three units including landscaping, cycle and refuse store. Objection lodged August 2021. Decision : Refused.
L5240/W/21/3267900 APPEAL : 52 Welcomes Road : Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a 3 storey building to provide 9 flats with associated parking, cycle storage, landscaping and children’s play space. Request to dismiss appeal lodged August 2021. Decision : Dismissed.
21/02084/OUT 54 Welcomes Road : Erection of 8 no. 2 storey semi-detached houses arranged over four buildings with associated landscaping, parking and vehicular access. Objection lodged June 2021. No Decision, APPEAL made.
21/02425/FUL 67 Welcomes Road : Demolition of the existing property and erection of a 3 storey building above a basement car park to provide 8 flats with associated landscaping. Objection lodged June 2021. Decision : Refused, APPEAL made and withdrawn.
21/02085/FUL 34 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing bungalow and the erection of a 4 storey building comprising of 9 flats with associated parking. Objection lodged June 2021. No Decision, APPEAL made.
21/01273/OUT 50 Welcomes Road : The erection of a frontage block of six flats and a pair of semi-detached houses and the demolition of the existing detached bungalow. Objection lodged Apr 2021. No Decision, APPEAL made.
21/01326/FUL 2 Kearton Close : Proposed flatted development within the rear of no. 2 Kearton Close to comprise of four units including landscaping, cycle and refuse store. Objection lodged Apr 2021. Decision : Refused.
21/00339/FUL 1 Kearton Close : Full planning application for the demolition of existing and erection of one X two storey plus accommodation in the roof 4 bed detached dwelling and erection of four pairs of semis comprising of 8X3 bedroom dwellings with associated access, 18 parking spaces, cycle storages and refuse stores. Objection lodged Apr 2021. Decision : Granted.
20/06250/OUT 46 Welcomes Road : The erection of a frontage block of six flats and a pair of semi-detached houses and the demolition of the existing detached bungalow. Objection lodged Dec 2020. No Decision, APPEAL made.
20/05606/FUL 2 Kearton Close : Proposed flatted development within the rear of no. 2 Kearton Close to comprise of four units including landscaping, cycle and refuse store. Objection lodged Dec 2020. Application withdrawn.
20/05414/OUT 88 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing bungalow and redevelopment to provide a 3 storey building containing 9 apartments including parking, landscape and amenity areas. Objection lodged Nov 2020. Decision : Refused but an APPEAL made.
20/5352/FUL 52 Welcomes Road (again) : Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a 3 storey building to provide 9 flats with associated parking, cycle storage, landscaping and childrens play space. Objection lodged Nov 2020. Decision : Refused but an APPEAL made.
20/5349/FUL 67 Welcomes Road : Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a 4 storey building including accommodation in the roofspace to provide 8 flats with associated parking, cycle store, bin store and landscaping. Objection lodged Nov 2020. Decision : Refused.
20/05075/FUL 1 Kearton Close : Demolition of a single-family dwelling and erection of one 3 and 4 storey block, containing 2 x 4 bedroom and 2 x 2 bedroom semi-detached Houses and 2 x 1-bedroom, 8 x 2 bedroom and 5 x 3 bedroom Apartments in total 19 Units with associated access, 23 parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store. Objection lodged Oct 2020. Also included for additional reference, an objection letter from a neighbouring WURA member. Application withdrawn.
19/05954/FUL 37 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of a two/three storey building to provide 9 residential units, with associated landscaped areas including parking, cycle and refuse storage. Objection lodged July 2020. Decision : Refused.
20/02159/PIP 2 Kearton Close : Demolition of garage, erection of a 1.5 storey building of 4 flats. Objection lodged July 2020. Decision : Approval in principle.
20/00981/FUL 8 Kearton Close : Demolition of existing 2 bedroom bungalow and replacement with four dwellings, car parking, landscaping. Objection lodged April 2020. Decision : Granted.
19/05485/FUL 52 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of building to provide 9 residential units with associated landscaping, parking, vehicular access, cycle and refuse storage. Objection lodged February 2020. Decision : Refused.
19/04441/OUT 10 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 8 four storey houses (4 pairs of semi-detached houses), provision of vehicular accesses, access road and parking areas. Objection lodged January 2020. Decision : Granted.
19/05394/FUL 60 Welcomes Road : Construction of a two-storey building with habitable roof space to accommodate 7 flats to the front and a pair of semi-detached, two-storey, dwelling houses to the rear of the site; with associated vehicle parking, cycle and bin provision; following the demolition of existing dwelling house. Objection lodged December 2019. Decision : Granted.
Throughout the summer and autumn of 2019, there was continued lobbying by email to encourage the Council to consider a moratorium on multi-dwelling applications until the impact of the existing applications could be properly assessed.
19/00412/FUL 56 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a three storey building (including accommodation in the roof) to provide 9 units including associated landscaping, parking, access and cycle/refuse stores. Objection lodged July 2019. Decision : Granted.
18/05006/FUL 32 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing building: erection of a three storey building comprising 9 units and formation of associated vehicular access and provision of 9 off-street parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store. Objection lodged April 2019. Decision : Granted.
19/00548/FUL 42 Welcomes Road : The erection of a three storey building with accommodation in the roof space (comprising 6 x two bedroom and 1 x three bedroom apartment) and 2 x four bedroom, semi-detached houses, with associated access, amenity space, landscaping, alterations to land levels and off street parking. Objection lodged March 2019 with a follow-up objection about the Parking Stress Survey, kindly carried out by residents in conjunction with KENDRA. Decision: Granted.
18/05877/FUL 1 Kearton Close : Full planning application for the demolition of single-family dwelling and erection of three storey building for nine flats with associated access, 9 off-street parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store. Objection lodged December 2018. WURA did receive this response to their objection. In this case the application was eventually withdrawn.
18/04840/FUL 36 Welcomes Road : Conversion to form 7 flats (2 x 3 bedroom. 2 x 2 bedroom, 2 x 1 bedroom and 1 x studio). Alterations and formation of basement accommodation to include front and side light wells, creation of a lower ground floor entrance , erection of a single storey side and rear extension, installation of roof lights and side dormer extensions and provision of associated landscaping, refuse and cycle parking. Objection lodged November 2018. Decision : Granted.
Repeated attempts throughout the summer of 2018 to arrange a meeting with the Head of Development Management and his team. We finally got a response as a result of the SPD2 Consultation which eventually resulted in a meeting held at Welcomes Road on 27th November 2018. Although it was felt that the discussion during the meeting had been constructive, the Committee found that it had no effect whatsoever on subsequent planning decisions. We were told that our Secretary’s proposed Green Grid Local Plan would be responded to in detail. We did not receive any such response but only the suggestion that a Neighbourhood Plan should be done, even though this would typically be appropriate for a much wider area than WURA and would take years to carry out. Given the scale of such a plan it was decided that it was not something the Committee could embark on, especially given the fact that we received no assurances that a hold would be put on applications while the Plan was being worked on.
Croydon SPD2 : Discussions held during the consultation and objection lodged October 2018
17/06240/RSM 57 Welcomes Road : reserved matters from original outline application 17/02467/OUT Demolition of existing building: erection of two storey building with accommodation in the roof and lower ground floor level comprising 7 two bedroom flats : formation of associated access, 7 parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store. Objection lodged January 2018. Decision : Approved.
WURA raised a complaint against the Council in August 2017 with respect to the process followed for the application for 57 Welcomes Road. This complaint was initially rejected by the Council in September after which WURA followed it to Stage 2 where it also failed. The WURA Secretary then took the complaint to the Local Authority Ombudsman where it was also rejected in December.
17/02467/OUT 57 Welcomes Road : Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two storey building with accommodation in roofspace comprising 7 two bedroom units with associated access, 7 car parking spaces, cycle storage and refusal store. Objection lodged May 2017. Decision : Granted.