You may have read in the Spring newsletter that Richard Russell is retiring from the position in May 2022. The post could be ideal for a retired person as the work requires working a varying number of hours per day dealing with road matters and associated issues but equally could suit anyone who feels able to fully commit to the work involved. The job, which tends to be event driven, involves responding to multiple emails from not just residents but developers, builders, utilities and various Council departments some of whom are not particularly responsive or helpful as well as organising meetings and keeping minutes. There is an honorarium which I must admit does not reflect the work involved. However whilst it is a challenging role it is also rewarding in terms of the opportunity to be of real service to the community here.
It would be an advantage for the applicant to be well established in the area with contacts within the community and be of a friendly disposition plus plenty of patience! The successful applicant would need to start working with Richard over the coming months to learn the ropes.
If you are interested and would like more information please contact either the current Secretary by email or myself (telephone contact information in the newsletter).
Colin Brown (Chairman)