Inconsiderate parking on Uplands Road

It has been drawn to WURA’s attention that some members are parking on Uplands Road when it seems that they could be parking on their own drives. In some cases the parked vehicles are obscuring the sight lines of neighbours when exiting their property.

There has always been an understanding that members will not park on either Welcomes or Uplands Roads but on their own drives. However being privately owned it is not illegal for members to park on Uplands Road but littering the road with cars, apart from making for an unattractive street scene, also endangers passing traffic, particularly walkers and cyclists. There is no pavement on either of our roads for walkers to use.

As a designated footpath Welcomes Road in terms of the law cannot be used to park on except briefly for deliveries. That includes members’ cars.

Non members are not allowed to park on either road except to make deliveries. Tradesmen as far as possible should park on the property they are visiting.

Members’ visitors/guests should try to park off the road on the host’s drive or on a neighbour’s drive if there is no room on the host’s property.

In the past the Road Committee have had discussions with the Council about formalising parking restrictions but is reluctant to use traffic wardens to enforce the regulations unless on-street parking gets out of control and the membership votes for Council enforcement at an AGM after a further review of the situation.

WURA requests that neighbour parking problems should if at all possible be resolved between those neighbours. Be considerate about where you park.

Thank you for reading this.

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