Recently, during a pre-planning stage for a development in the heart of the WURA area, Croydon Council indicated to a developer that up to 20 units of social housing could be created or at least that some provision should be made for affordable housing. This particular site has a PTAL rating of zero but on-site parking would be very limited as the site would be largely built over. The developer was referred to a panel of Registered Providers who manage social housing. It seems that this reaction is probably prompted by comments that most of the flatted developments so far approved in the Borough are unaffordable for many.
Any single development of 10 or more flats is required to include provision for social housing. Croydon Council have defined their approach to this within the Croydon Local Plan in Policy SP 2.4 and SP 2.5. Specifically:
- seek to achieve 50% affordable housing overall with a 60:40 ratio between affordable rented homes and intermediate (including starter) homes
- 30% affordable housing within one development or 15% affordable housing within one development plus a review mechanism entered into for the remaining affordable housing (up to the equivalent of 50% overall provision through a commuted sum based on a review of actual sales values and build costs of completed units) provided 30% on-site provision is not viable and construction costs are not in the upper quartile.
Any proposals offered below these requirements will be refused by the Council.
This changes the financial dynamic for potential developers in the area and also explains why all the current developments are for under 10 properties.
The current developments in the WURA area are as follows:-
- 32 Welcomes Road – 9 flats. Recently granted in spite of a vigorous campaign against by the neighbours. Aventier Land-bank
- 36 Welcomes Road – 8 flat conversion. Bruce Birkett. Under construction. More on site parking promised.
- 42 Welcomes Road – 7 flats & 2 semi-detached houses. Land was being transferred to Turnbull Land Ltd although it now appears these developers are no longer interested.
- 56 Welcomes Road – 9 flats Mrs A Chadda. A particularly unpleasant looking overbearing building awaiting planning permission.
- 57 Welcomes Road – 7 flats. Regal Properties. Under construction.
- 35 Uplands Road. Withdrawn and plans under review in consultation with WURA before resubmission.
- 1 Kearton Close – application withdrawn.
WURA has objected to many of the above developments because of their impact on the road. The ones objected to provided insufficient parking capacity (among other problems) and therefore increased likelihood of illegal parking.
Although the opportunity to respond to all the above applications has now passed, the latest information on each can be viewed on the Croydon Council Planning Register.