Roadworks Latest – Feb through to March

Flood management road works, Kenley Lane

Some of you may have noticed that there are markings on the road and pavement at the Kenley Lane end opposite the Moorings Medical Practice. These works are apparently connected with the installation of a soakaway/holding/attentuation tank to control the flow of surface storm water emerging from the upper reaches of Kenley Lane and Welcomes Road (Kenley Common) which can lead to severe flooding in Kenley Lane up to the Railway Station.

We have had no formal notice from the Council of the start date for the job but understand that 4 way traffic light control will be in use whilst the work is carried out.

42 Welcomes Road HGV traffic

There are still some 60 HGV (30MT each) round trips (140 trips so far)  needed to clear the site of excavated material plus another 25 deliveries of pre-mix concrete to stabilise the site. After that there are all the other building materials needed to complete the new homes.  Once all the groundwork has been completed traffic relating to deliveries will use the Council approved routing from Kenley Lane, exiting at Hayes Lane by turning right i.e heading from North to South.

In view of the enormous and unprecedented load on Welcomes Road, which only has no formal base, the Road Committee made a decision to confine the traffic from 42 WR and associated damage, to as short a stretch of the road as possible. The Committee in making this decision also took into account  the excavation needed  to install a new electric cable to the No 10 Welcomes Road development from a connection point in Kenley Lane/end of Welcomes Road. This excavation is to be made good after the bulk of traffic from 42WR has subsided sometime in March 2022.

The engineering drawings and plans for 42 WR  did not appear to include any accurate  indication of the extent of the excavations required and the subsequent impact from the resulting HGV traffic on Welcomes Road.

Future developments in Welcomes Road to the South of 42 Welcomes Road

Traffic generated from these developments  will  follow the routing laid down by the Council. (North to South).

No 10 Welcomes Road development

The developers have been exemplary in keeping us informed of road works and have done their best to minimise disruption in difficult conditions with parking in the relief bay they created by unrelated vehicles. 

As mentioned above the trench (UKPN cable conduit) cut along the centre of the road will be made good properly once the traffic from 42 WR has subsided. The exact timing of this work may be influenced by the works being carried out in Kenley Lane by the Council’s contractors, Conway.

The hole dug in Welcomes Road opposite the site was carried out by an unknown party without permission from WURA but the developer has back filled this more than once as it has given way under the weight of traffic.

Community Infrastructure Levy

WURA have received these letters (PDF file) from our MP and the Minister of State for Housing about the use of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds to upgrade private roads and in the case of Welcomes Road, a designated footpath which needs to be made safer for walkers.

Although millions of pounds in CIL is being collected by Croydon Council in respect of developments fronting Welcomes Road, the Kenley Transport Study, though recognising problems with Welcomes Road and the safety of pedestrians, shows that nothing is earmarked to be spent on the road by the Council.

The letter from the Minister suggests that CIL can be spent on footpaths and the matter will be taken up with the Council particularly as funds should have been set aside from the development at No 10 for this purpose.

For reference, the final report from the Kenley Intensification Zone Transport Study from February 2020 can be viewed here (PDF file).

We will be including a reference to paragraph 3 of the Minister’s letter in future objections to inappropriate development applications in the WURA area.


Welcomes Road still closed near no 57

The SES Roadworks originally estimated at 3 days have over-run and Welcomes Road has remained closed over the Easter break.

At least progress is being made – and many thanks to the recycling men who still managed to collect the recycling this morning!

Electrical Cable Installation Work

Electrical cable installation work is being carried out by Prencor to support the installation of vehicle charging points at 57 Welcomes Road.

The work is expected to be completed during the last two weeks of January,

The work will extend up the even numbered side of Welcomes Road from 60 to 68 but will also require excavation across the road to connect to no 57.

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