Battle of Britain Memorial Flight – Sunday 18th August

This year we will commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the ‘Battle of Britain’ in which RAF Kenley played a major role.

A Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitfire will be making their flypast over our historic and famous fighter airfield on Sunday 18th August 2019, weather permitting and the aircraft behaving themselves. The expected arrival time will be announced nearer the day.

Many Kenley residents will know that RAF Kenley was subjected to many enemy aircraft attacks. This year’s flight falls on the exact day in 1940 when the heaviest raid took place on many of the south east Fighter Command airfields. It became known as ‘The Hardest Day’ of the ‘Battle of Britain’ and RAF Kenley was right in the thick of the action.

This year is the 75th anniversary of the Normandy ‘D Day’ landings on 6th June 1944: the largest maritime invasion in history and in the run up to it, again RAF Kenley played its part.

For safety reasons, visitors please keep to the ‘RAF Kenley Tribute side of Kenley Common.

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