A message from the Chairman for 2022

Richard Russell, our Secretary, has for many years stoically borne the brunt of the work associated with the Council planners and developers and it is acknowledged that (not wishing to belittle input from other Committee members) without him WURA would not be the recognised ‘street manager’ it is. He will be retiring after the next AGM in May/June 2022 leaving a massive hole in WURA – a hard act to follow and I’m sure every resident would join me in recognising his dedication and massively thanking him.

He has accepted a one day a week part-time post of a consultant enabling myself and the others to use his expertise and knowledge when required whilst keeping himself ‘remote’ from the daily demands of email traffic.

With Richard’s departure we need volunteers from Welcomes and Uplands Roads to fill spaces on the WURA committee to ensure that there is succession. If you are interested do please contact any member of the Committee. You can join a Committee meeting to see if the role is for you before you make up your mind finally. The next meeting will take place at some time in the New Year prior to the AGM.

The result of all this is that the Road Committee remit has to be considerably reduced, dealing only with core road matters and funding. This means residents will have to handle more issues themselves than was the case before. The website now contains a page of reference information specifically for residents, including a list of useful contacts.

With the retirement of our Secretary after the 2022 AGM and in the absence of a replacement, in spite of efforts to find one, the Committee will only be dealing with core road issues after March 2022. All emails will be assessed by the Chairman and where relevant will be discussed with Richard in his new capacity and relevant road representatives. Please see the ‘about WURA’ page for details of the Committee’s focus.

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